Meeting Minutes


Call to Order by Alexander Gvatua at 7 pm. Second by Ryan Globus.

Approval of Minutes

Alexander Gvatua motions to approve minutes from 11/16/2020. Angel Martinez seconds. Unanimously approved.

Guest Speaker

Jenny Bach, candidate for Vice Chair of the California Democratic Party

Officer Reports

  • President Angel Martinez
  • Vice President Alexander Gvatua
  • Membership Director Allie Hughes
  • Finance Director Ryan Globus
  • Political Director Mustafa Arshad

New Business

  • Consideration of endorsements for ADEM candidates
    • Motion to endorse Neil Park-McClintick, Richard Mehlinger, LaToya Fernandez, Meghan Fraley, Basil Saleh, and Hiwad Haider passes


Alexander Gvatua motions to adjourn. Ryan Globus seconds. Unanimously approved.