October 31, 2022 Agenda

Call to order Approval of September Minutes (linked here) Officer Reports President Allie Hughes Vice President Erik Poicon Membership Director Christophe LaBelle Finance Director Ryan Globus Political Director Neil McClintick Communications Director Jaria Jaug New Business Bylaw Amendment  Membership Director Nominations 1 Minute min. Max 2.  Phonebank (Jose Magana) Election Night Pre-Game Watch Party (4:30 …

September 26, 2022 Minutes

9/26/2022 Call to order: Erik called to order at 7:07PM Approval of August Meeting Minutes: https://svyd.org/august-29-2022-minutes/ Allie moves, Christophe Seconds Officer Reports President: Allie Hughes  Congressional PAID Canvassing opportunity in Congressional district 41 and 45 from Oct 28-30. Will be fully paid (hotels/transportation) Vice President: Erik Poicon Membership Director: Christophe LaBelle Working on Bylaws amendment …