February General Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of January Minutes
  3. Officer Reports
    • President Jaria Jaug
    • Vice President Krista De La Torre
    • Financial Director Ryan Globus
    • Political Director Kadence Walker
    • Communications Director Elise Lester
    • Membership Director Ashley Guerrero
  4. New Business
    • Membership heard from CYD President Giovanni Chavez
      1. CYD fundraising efforts
      2. Upcoming Young Dems Convention
      3. Outreach to unchartered Young Dems organizations
    • Presentation from Ashley Guerrero and Cassandra Magana on effective allyship to the undocumented and immigrant communities 
    • Planning progress update from the Fundraising Committee on the upcoming Blueprint Gala: Drafting the Future
      1. Fill out the Awards Nomination form
      2. Buy your tickets!
  5. Old Business
  6. Announcements
  7. Adjournment