August General Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of July Minutes
  3. Officer Reports
    1. Vice President Krista De La Torre
    2. Political Director Kadence Walker
    3. Financial Director Ryan Globus
    4. Communications Director Elise Lester
  4. New Business
    1. Endorsements
      1. The following candidates presented their stump speeches and responded to questions from General Membership
        1. George Lu for Palo Alto City Council
        2. Cari Templeton for Palo Alto City Council
        3. Greer Stone for Palo Alto City Council
      2. Motion to endorse the following candidates – Motion carries
        1. George Lu for Palo Alto City Council
        2. Cari Templeton for Palo Alto City Council
      3. The following candidates presented their stump speeches and responded to questions from General Membership
        1.  Brenda Zendejas for Alum Rock School Board
        2. Terry Godfrey for Foothill-DeAnza Community College District Trustee
        3. Bill Roth for Santa Clara Valley Water, District 2
      4. Motion to table the deliberations to interview candidates in the following races – Motion carries
        1. Foothill-DeAnza Community College District 
        2. Santa Clara Valley Water, District 2
      5. Motion to endorse Brenda Zendejas for Alum Rock School Board – Motion carries
  5. Old Business
  6. Announcements
    1. Caltrain beta has been launched and is being rolled out in the South Bay
    2. Vaccines and boosters for COVID-19 are now available.
    3. September 18th – The Board of Supervisors Committee of Finance and Government Operations will be discussing ranked choice voting.
    4. SVYD Spring Gala is now in the planning stages. Join the Fundraising Committee to get involved.
    5. September 12th – The Future of Diridon Station Community Meeting will be taking place at the Gardner Community Center in San Jose from 5:30PM-7:30PM.
    6. August 31st – The South Bay Labor Council is hosting their annual Labor Day BBQ.