January General Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of December Minutes
  3. Officer Reports
    1. President Jaria Jaug
    2. Vice President Krista De La Torre
    3. Financial Director Ryan Globus
    4. Political Director Kadence Walker
    5. Communications Director Elise Lester
    6. Membership Director Ashley Guerrero
  4. New Business
    1. Membership heard candidate introductions, interviewed San Jose City Council District 3 candidates, and voted on endorsing in the following races:
      1. San Jose City Council District 3 Special Election
        1. Membership voted to endorse Anthony Tordillos
      2. Young Democrats running for ADEMs in Santa Clara County
        1. Membership voted to endorse the following candidates:
          1. Cassandra Magana, AD23
          2. Elise Lester, AD23
          3. Erik Poicon, AD23
          4. Juan Rodriguez, AD23
          5. Sergio Lopez, AD23
          6. Jaria Jaug, AD24
          7. Jo Nguyen, AD24
          8. Jose L. Abastida, AD25
          9. Clay Hale, AD25
          10. Alex Dersh, AD26
          11. Rob Moore, AD28
          12. Amendment to add John Ishii, AD25
  5. Old Business
  6. Announcements
    1. The Santa Clara County Rapid Response Network is hosting a Zoom training to guide the community on how to support the undocumented community and become a Rapid Responder.
    2. Support SJSU, as the CSU’s have lost funding in Governor Newsom’s January Budget Proposal.
    3. Pamela Campos is hosting a Community Celebration on January 29th from 6-8PM. 
    4. Links to community resources are now available at SVYD’s social media bio.
    5. SJSU Center for API Student Empowerment is hosting a Day of Remembrance February 19th. 
    6. HR 630 and S 193 Neighbors not Enemies Act are important pieces of legislation. Learn more
  7. Adjournment

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