July General Meeting Minutes

  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of June Minutes
  3. New Business
    • Early Endorsements
      • Candidates gave a stump speech and answered the following questions from membership.
        • All Candidates: What do you hope to accomplish if elected/re-elected?
        • All Candidates: Given the executive order from Governor Newson regarding the unhoused population, what specific policies will you support to protect the unhoused community in your respective cities
        • Candidates for the cities of Mountain View and Sunnyvale: Would you support the implementation of ranked choice voting for your city’s council and mayoral races?
        • All Candidates: 38% of students in K-12 systems statewide go to schools that are not well maintained. Locally, how will you prioritize that K-12 facilities are up to date, especially in budget conversations?
        • All Candidates: What does being a progressive mean to you, and how have you demonstrated your commitment to those values in your career?
        • All Candidates: What strengths and struggles do you bring with you to your role and how does a young democrat contribute to that?
        • Candidates for City Council: What are your plans to retain and support businesses and what will you do differently than your colleagues to support small businesses and entrepreneurs? 
      • Unanimous vote to endorse the following candidates:
        • Emily Ann Ramos for Mountain View City Council
        • Erik Poicon for Mountain View City Council
        • Charlsie Chang for Sunnyvale City Council
        • Juan Rodriguez for Campbell City Council
        • Katie Causey for Palo Alto City Council
        • Clay Hale for San Jose-Evergreen Community College District
        • Sergio Lopez for Campbell City Council
      • Change in the bylaws
        • Bylaw change regarding endorsement process
        • Vote to suspend the bylaws – unanimous vote to pass
        • Vote to adopt the new bylaws and send them out to membership via email – unanimous vote to pass
  4. Old Business
  5. Announcements
    • Two seats are currently open and uncontested for the Evergreen-San Jose Community College District School Board
    • The Valley Transportation Authority has released a safety survey for those who use (or choose not to use) their services
    • The Bay Area Regional Leadership meeting is taking place on Wednesday, July 31st 
  6. Adjournment