Alex called to order at 7:18 p.m.

Agenda approved

  1. Welcome and Introductions

II. Guest Speakers:

III. Officer Reports

A. President (Alex)

League of conservation voters is hosting a a fundraiser  Alex would like to know if there is anyone who interested in attending the price is 25 dollars.

B. Vice President of Membership (Emily Ramos)

– Membership is improving especially with the new sign in sheets. There is still young dems that need to pay thier    dues. Please pay them today or online. Thank you.

I. Women’s Leadership Committee Report (Alex Wara)

Sarah Elizabeth Godar is seeking volunteers

C. Secretary (Juan Quinones)

We are doing a voter registration at San Jose State Univeristy.  If you would like to rigetser students at San Jose State please sign up and your running for office and can not attend please send a volunteer to help.

D. Treasurer (Joshua Barrouse )

We are doing well but will do better after today when you all pay your dues.

E. Political Director (Jeff Cardenas)

If the Club has not endorse a candidate  then  please do not use your SVYD title.

Endorsement committee meets regularly if anyone is available they are welcome to give us input.  You can also email your suggestions to me (Jeff).

SVYD didi a great job volunteering for the Sunnyvale recall election if anyone wants to help please contact Lucas

IV. Old Business

New business

Cory Wolbach wants an endorsement for City Council

Omar is seeking endorsement for Franklin Mckinley Board of Trustee

Richard Troung is running for city Council in Milpitas who would like SVYD endorsements.

Open floor for endorsements: Amanda indicates that Cory would be great council member and should endorse

Emily moves motion to endorse  by Cory and Sarah second it

Joshua moves for Omar to be endorse Jordan seconds it  3 abstain

Jeff moves motion to endorse Richard and Joshua seconds motion to endorse Richard.  Motion does not pass.

Discussion and is call to question motion to endorse Richard fails 12 voted to not approve the motion.

Anna Ko  presented  a resolution on behalf  of DAWN and is asking organizations  to support more women to be elected into office

Jeff moves motion and  Cory second it.



Amanda Robinson is inviting SVYD to attend the Asm. Mark Stone  campaign kick off  on Thursday September 18th 5:30 to 7:30pm at the Trout Farm in Felton 

Jeff moves motion to adjourn meeting  Alex seconds it at 8:45pm