Agenda January 21, 2019

I. Motion to start the meeting II. Welcomes and Introductions III. Guest Speaker: Josh and Ramona Barousse, San José Spotlight, the city’s first independent nonprofit news organization IV. Officer reports: President (Kathy Tran): We’re looking for a secretary on our eboard and taking nominations. Next month, we can motion to swear them in. Holiday Party …

Minutes 10.15.18

Commence 7:05 PM Introductions Turkey trot and Santa Run plug from Michael Lomio 7:15 PM Presentation for public banking 7:35 PM Presentation from Matthew Quevedo from SVLG: Yes on prop 1 No on prop 6 Measure V Measure T Kathy calling for approval of September minutes Approval of minutes Motion to approve the minutes Jonathan  Alex  Overview of …