Minutes: 2020-02-17

Meeting Minutes 2/17/2020 Call to Order by Alexander Gvatua at 7:31PM, seconded by Angel Martinez, unanimously approved Welcome and introductions Intro and ice breaker Approval of minutes Christophe motions to approve minutes from 2/17/2020.  Kathy Tran seconds. Unanimously approved Officer reports President: Angel Martinez Make sure to inform and invite people to SVYD meetings Expand …

Agenda 2-17-20

SVYD Meeting Agenda 2/17/2020 Call to Order Welcome and introductions Allie to do intro and ice breaker Approval of minutes Officer reports President: Angel Martinez Vice President: Alexander Gvatua Membership Director: Allie Hughes Treasurer: Ryan Globus Political Director: Mustafa Arshad Secretary: Brenda Vargas Old Business Campaign walks for endorsed candidates New business Primary elections Consideration …

Agenda 2-17-20

SVYD Meeting Agenda 2/17/2020 Call to Order Welcome and introductions Allie to do intro and ice breaker Approval of minutes Officer reports President: Angel Martinez Vice President: Alexander Gvatua Membership Director: Allie Hughes Treasurer: Ryan Globus Political Director: Mustafa Arshad Secretary: Brenda Vargas Old Business Campaign walks for endorsed candidates New business Primary elections Consideration …

Minutes: 2020-01-27

Meeting Minutes 1/27/2020 Call to Order by at 7:20PM by Alexander Gvatua, seconded by Allie Hughes, unanimously approved. Approval of Minutes Alexander Gvatua motions to approve minutes from 01/27/2020. Mustafa seconds. Unanimously approved   Welcome and introductions Allie to do intro and ice breaker   Officer reports President: Angel Martinez SVYD endorsed candidates need to …