Agenda – March 20, 2017


I. Call to order, motion to approve Minutes from February 27, 2017 meeting.

II. Welcomes and introductions.

III. Guest speaker: SIREN

III. Officer Reports

  1. President (Emily Ramos)
    1. Chartering
    2. Inter-club partnership the 21st Century Democratic Club.
  2. Membership Director (Ian Crueldad)
    1. Outreach Committee
  3. Political Director (Matt Savage)
    1. Vote on advocacy issue
  4. Secretary (Kathy Tran)
    1. Current events
    2. CDP Convention 2017 guide
    3. Job postings
    4. Feedback (pinning posts, ease of website)
  5. Treasurer (Charles Wilson III)

IV. Old Business

  1. CDP Convention

V. New Business

  1. SB 16 Student Debt Bill Endorsement
  2. ACA-10 Lowering voting Age Bill Endorsement

VI. Announcements

VII. Adjournment