Agenda – November 21, 2016

Agenda Call to Order Introductions Guest speaker: Endorse Candidates thanking SVYD Guest Speaker 2: Jeff Cardenas about ADEMS Officer Reports President CYD Membership Director Outreach committee Treasurer How much money do we have Fundraiser – in lieu of next meeting Political Director Endorsement Scorecard Advocacy Secretary Time in DC recap Communications committee (blogging/ op-eds/social media) …

Civic Engagement Internship

Civic Engagement Internship   The Rod Sinks Campaign for Cupertino City Council is currently seeking forward thinking, passionate, and committed individuals of the community to join our civic engagement internship. As we move forward into November, we are looking for people interested in engaging the community by canvassing to spread the message and platform of …

Job Opening: Communications and Outreach Student Intern (Paid)

Yes on A for Affordable Housing Communications and Outreach Student Intern (Paid) We are looking for highly motivated and responsible people to join the Yes on A for Affordable Housing campaign to alleviate homelessness and ensure affordable housing for all families, seniors, veterans and the most vulnerable members of our community. Job Title: Communications and …

Proposed Bylaws Amendment

1. ARTICLE II: MEMBERSHIP 1. Section 1: Membership Types: i.    SVYD shall have three types of membership: (1) Active Non-Voting Members; (2) Active Voting Members and (3) Associate Members. 1. Active Non-Voting Identification Guidelines: Membership shall be open to persons who are at least 14 years old and not more than 35 years old who …

Agenda – July 18

Welcomes and Introductions Guest Speaker: Carl Guardino from Silicon Valley Leadership Group Officer Reports President (Emily Ramos) Treasurer (Charles Wilson) Political Director (Matt Savage) Secretary (Kathy Tran) Old business New business Announcements Adjournments

Paid Canvasser for an Environmental Protection Campaign

Posting title: Paid Canvasser for an Environmental Protection Campaign Location: San Jose, CA Posting description: Temporary part-time position. Start date: IMMEDIATELY Weekly commitment: Flexible, preferably 3-4 Days a week Pay: Performance based, $12 an hour + $1 per collected pledge Hours: Flexible Daytime Hours Description: Help us collect pledges to stop pollution and distribute free …

Agenda – June 20, 2016

I. Welcomes, Introductions II. Officer Reports 1. President (Alex Wara) 2. Membership Director (Emily Ramos) 3. Political Director (Justin Carvalho) 4. Treasurer (Charles Wilson) 5. Secretary (Kathy Tran) III. Old Business 1. Primary election results IV. New Business 1. Election of 2016-2017 SVYD Officers V. Announcements VI. Adjournment

Minutes – May 16, 2016

I. Welcomes , introduction  President Alex Wara introduced motion to amend to the agenda and approve the agenda at 7:15 pm. Seconded by Lucas Ramirez Motion to have the letter added to the agenda by Jeff C, seconded by Justin C. II. Guest Speaker Doron Aronson – current Cambrian School District board member announcing to …

Agenda – May 16, 2016

I. Welcomes, Introductions II. Officer Reports 1. President (Alex Wara) 2. Membership Director (Emily Ramos) 3. Political Director (Justin Carvalho) 4. Treasurer (Charles Wilson) 5. Secretary (Kathy Tran) III. Old Business 1. JJ Dinner After party IV. New Business 1. Consideration of Early endorsement (Richard Nguyen for Campbell Union School District and Kalen Gallagher for …

Agenda – April 18, 2016

I. Welcomes, Introductions II. Officer Reports 1. President (Alex Wara) 2. Membership Director (Emily Ramos) 3. Political Director (Justin Carvalho) 4. Treasurer (Charles Wilson) 5. Secretary (Kathy Tran) III. Old Business 1. Wrap up of Endorsements IV. New Business 1. Consideration of Early endorsement (Mt. View City Council) 2. Endorsed candidates volunteer SVYD events V. …