June 27, 2022 Minutes

Erik Poicon calls the meeting to order at 7:06pm.


Ryan Globus moves to approve the May minutes, seconded by Alexander Gvatua. Passes unanimously. 


Officer Reports

  • Membership Dir Christophe
    • Survey for meetings: 4th Monday of the month. Strong interest in hybrid format
    • New SVYD year starts July 1
  • Finance Dir Ryan
    • Social in July
  • PD Mustafa
    • June 2022 Election Results
  • VP Erik
    • Pay dues ASAP for voting rights (and 2 meetings/events)
  • Pres Allie Hughes
    • Call to action to support women getting healthcare. Donate to Planned Parenthood Mar Monte. Allie will match up to $250.
    • Raised $940 PLUS Allie’s match -> $1,190 (as of 7:25pm)
      • Plus 250 @7:29 (total $1,440)

New Business

  • D1 Supervisor
    • Motion to endorse Sylvia Arenas by Mustafa, seconded by Alexander. Motion passes 14-0.
  • San Jose City Council D7
    • Motion to endorse Maya Esparza, seconded by Allie. Motion passes 12-0.
  • Mountain View City Council
    • Motion to endorse Lucas Ramirez and Ellen Kamei by Patrick Ahrens, seconded by Angel Martinez. Motion passes 12-0.
  • Sunnyvale City Council D3
    • Motion to endorse Justin Wang by Daniel Huynh, seconded by Mustafa. Motion passes 14-0.
  • San Jose Mayor
    • Motion to endorse Cindy Chavez by Lucas Ramirez, seconded by Erik Anciaux. Motion passes 11-1.
  • Board Elections
    • Motion to suspend bylaws by Lucas Ramirez, seconded by Mustafa. Motion passes 11-0.
    • Motion to move election to July by Allie Hughes, seconded by Lucas Ramirez. Motion passes 11-0.



Erik adjourns the meeting at 9:23pm.





  1. Call to order
  2. Approval of May Minutes
  3. Officer Reports
    1. President Allie Hughes
    2. Vice President Erik Poicon
    3. Membership Director
      1. Meeting Time/Place Survey
    4. Finance Director Ryan Globus
      1. July Social
    5. Political Director Mustafa Arshad
      1. June 2022 Election Update
    6. Communications Director Ali Sapirman
  4. New Business
    1. Endorsement: Santa Clara County Supervisor District 1
    2. Endorsement: San José City Council District 7
    3. Endorsement: San José Mayor
      1. Item to be heard at 8pm
    4. Endorsement: Mountain View City Council
    5. Endorsement: Sunnyvale City Council District 3
    6. Board Elections for SVYD 2022-23 Year
  5. Announcements
  6. Adjournment