I. Call to order to start meeting by President Emily Ramos at 7:11 pm.

II. Welcomes and introductions

III. Guest speaker: Erica of SIREN

IV. Officer Reports

  1. President (Emily Ramos)
    1. Chartering
    2. Inter-club partnership the Democratic 21st Century Club.
  2. Political Director (Matt Savage)
    1. Vote on advocacy issue
    2. Motion to take a vote by Kieran K., seconded by Michael. Discussion on housing. Voted unanimously to approve housing.
  3. Secretary (Kathy Tran)
    1. Current events
    2. CDP Convention 2017 guide
    3. Job postings
    4. Feedback (pinning posts, ease of website)

IV. Old Business

  1. CDP Convention

V. New Business

  1. SB 16 Student Debt Bill Endorsement
    1. Vote
      1. Motion: Emily R., Seconded by: Kathy T. Passes, unanimously
  2. ACA-10 Lowering voting Age Bill Endorsement
    1. Vote
      1. Motion: Matt S., Seconded by: Andrae, Passed by 5 votes.

VI. Announcements

  • Andrae:
    • What: Woman of the Year Ceremony hosted by Senator Bob Wieckowski
    • Where: Berryessa library, 3355 Noble Avenue in San Jose
    • When: March 30th, the ceremony will be from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Doors open at 5:30 p.m.
    • Food and refreshments provided.
  • Peter Allen:
    • The City of San Jose Housing Dept is hiring
  • Michael from PYD:
    • PDC State of California Clean and Green Event
    • March 26, 2016
    • Where: Michaels at Shoreline
  • Crocket:
    • National Heritage meeting
    • When: 5:30 pm, 28th march
    • Where: 70 west hedding
  • Allen, representing Rep. Evan Low:
    • What: Town hall
    • When: April 1st, 9:30 – 11 am, sat
    • Where:  orchard city banquet hall
    • Co-hosting with siren, planned parenthood
  • Paul Escabar
    • job listings at SVLG

VII. Adjournment

  • Motioned by Andrae, seconded by Kieran. Meeting adjourned at 8:47 pm.