Minutes: August General Membership Meeting 8/17/15

Meeting called into order by President Alex Wara at 7:15 PM. A motion to approve the agenda was unanimous. I. Welcomes and Introductions II. Guest Speaker Councilmember Magdalena Carrasco III. Officer Reports: President (Alex Wara) Tabling opportunities Membership Director (Emily Ramos) Political Director (Justin Carvalho) Endorsement Committee Treasurer (Charles Wilson III) Secretary (Kathy Tran) Old …

Agenda: 8/17/15

Welcomes, Introductions Speaker: Magdalena Carrasco Officer Reports: President (Alex Wara) Membership Director (Emily Ramos) Political Director (Justin Carvalho) Endorsement Committee Update Treasurer (Charles Wilson) Secretary (Kathy Tran) Communication Committee Update Old Business Tahoe Retreat New Business Guest speaker: Andrae – Senator Wiekowski’s Economic Equity and Financial Stability Initiative Early Endorsement Consideration for D6 Candidate VII. Announcements …