Minutes January 18, 2019

7:00 PM Welcomes and Introductions Meeting called into order by President Kathy Tran at 7:18 PM. Motion by Angel Martinez, seconded by Andrew Crockett. Unanimous vote in favor. 7:20 Introduction of guest speakers Josh and Ramona (co-founders of San Jose Spotlight) -San Jose Spotlight is digital only -website is up! -Josh is Development Director -Ramona is …

Agenda February 25, 2019

I. Call to Order by President Kathy Tran II. Welcomes and Introductions III. Guest Speaker: Census 2020 IV. Officer reports: President (Kathy Tran) Vacancies on Boards and Commissions Membership Director (Antonia Zavala) Excused Political Director (Angel Martinez) Treasurer (Jonathan Perez) Consent calendar: Reimbursement for Angel Venue/Food costs $400 IV. Old business: Convention V. New Business: …