Minutes – 2/19/18
President Emily Ramos calls the meeting to order at 7:21 pm.
Welcomes and Introductions
Political Director Elections:
Angel Martinez
Antonia Zavala
Motion to elect Angel Martinez by Kathy Tran, seconded by Ryan Globus.
Call to question: Andrae Wara-Macapinlac
Motion passes with 11 votes
Congratulations to Angel Martinez! You are our new political director!
Officer Reports:
- President Emily Ramos
- Sign up for endorsement committee
- Membership Director Jesus Salazar
- Treasurer Alex Petrosky
- Secretary Kathy Tran
- SCCDP Central Committee Update
- Political Director
- Welcome!
Old business
- Convention
- CYD passes – buy them if you haven’t already!
- Sign up for hotel room: https://goo.gl/forms/2YtnuP0iRlVWi2pC3
- Transportation
New business
- Candidate and Issues Meet and Greet
- Fair Vote Project
- Susan Ellenberg for District 4 Supervisor
- Recall Persky Campaign
- Evergreen Senior Homes Initiative
- Representative from the Dominic Caserta for District 4 Supervisor Campaign
- Representative from the Don Rocha for District 4 Supervisor Campaign
- John Cordus from Sunnyvale advocating for SB100, the Protect Coyote Valley campaign, and also announced he is running for Sunnyvale City Council
- Anti-recall Persky Campaign
- Against the Evergreen Senior Homes Initiative Campaign (Committee for Green Hills)
- Emy Thurber: 2 slots for proxies for AD27
- Antonia Zavala: Listening to Trump’s America Event – Saturday, February 24, 2018 12-1 pm at Convention
- Andrae Wara-Macapinlac: update on SB16 and SB298
- Emily Ramos: proxies to convention, next meeting
- Kathy Tran: Assemblymember Evan Low – Hospitality suite with Kaskade on February 24, 2018
- Angelica Ramos: National Women’s Political Caucus – come up with app We Said Enough.Com
- Jesus Salazar: SEIU National Day of Action – Right to Work Day February 26, 2018. For more information, please contact
Motion by Emily Ramos to adjourn at 8:11 pm. Seconded by Andrae Wara-Macapinlac.