Sign up Sheet for a Room at Convention
1/29 Agenda 1. Call meeting into order 2. Guest speaker: Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian 3. Welcomes and Introductions No old business 4. Quick Officer Reports i. President Emily Ramos ii. Membership Director Jesus Salazar iii. Secretary Kathy Tran iv. Treasurer Alex Petrosky 5. New Business – Convention (Sign up for a room here: 6. …
Call the meeting into order Welcomes and introductions Guest speaker: South Bay Swing Left Officer reports: President Emily Ramos CYD Tahoe CDP E-board Treasurer Alex Petrosky Secretary Kathy Tran SCC Central Committee Political Director Matt Savage Old Business CDP Convention Feb 23-25 2017 New business Announcements Adjournment
Meeting called into order by President Emily Ramos at 7:14 PM. Welcomes, introductions. Guest speaker: Supervisor Cindy Chavez. Special Presentation: Omar Torres. Officer Reports: President Emily Ramos CYD Tahoe Membership Director Jesus Salazar Treasurer Alex Petrosky Political Director Matt Savage Early endorsements Secretary Kathy Tran Old Business New Business Early endorsements up for consideration San …
10.16.17 Agenda
SVYD Agenda August 21, 2017 Call to order. Motion to approve of last month’s minutes. Welcomes and introductions Region 7 meeting Guest Speaker: John Hirakawa, candidate for Sheriff Officer Reports: President: Emily Ramos E-board in Anaheim report Next meeting: Tuesday, September 26 in Mountain View Membership Director: Jesus Salazar Outreach committee SVYD Mixer Treasurer: Alex …
I. Meeting called into order by Treasurer Alex Petrosky, who filled in for President Emily Ramos, at 7:06 pm. II. Welcomes, introductions. III. Guest Speaker: Assemblymember Marc Berman. IV. Officer Reports: A. Treasurer: Alex Petrosky i.Finance committee. V. Old Business VII. New Business VIII. Announcements i. Job postings VIIII. Meeting adjourned at 8:02 PM.
I. Call to order II. Welcomes and introductions III. Guest Speaker: Assemblymember Marc Berman IV. Officer Reports III. Old Business IV. Announcements V. Adjournment
Californians for Justice is hiring! CFJ is a statewide social justice organization that believes that young people are the leaders we need to create healthy, just, and thriving schools. We are hiring a Long Beach Lead Organizer, Fresno Campaign Coordinator, Fresno Organizer, and Bookkeeper (San Jose). These are exciting opportunities for highly motivated individuals to …
Ballot Measures: 1) Support for Measure AA “Save the Bay” 2) Support “Opportunity to Work” City of San Jose 3) Support “Measure A”: Santa Clara County Affordable Housing Bond 4) Support “Measure B”: Santa Clara Valley Transportation Association Sales Tax Candidates: Congressional District 17: Mike Honda Congressional District 18: Anna Eshoo Congressional District 19: …