SVYD Holiday Party

December 15 at 7:00 p.m. Tickets: $20 for non-members (includes membership if eligible). Bring an unwrapped toy gift to enter our raffle. Raffle tickets will also be available for purchase. Location Mosaic Restaraunt 211 S 1st St San Jose, CA 95113 Join us for our annual toy drive, raffle, food, drinks, and great company! RSVP on Facebook …

Job Opportunities – Siren

SVYD leader and former executive board secretary, Victoria Ramirez shared two positions opening at Siren.   Advocacy Campaign Coordinator Organizing Director You can contact Victoria if you have any questions regarding the positions or the organization.


Alex called to order at 7:00 p.m. Agenda approved : Jeff second by Mathew I. Welcome and Introductions Jeff second Mathew Savage II. Guest Speakers: none III. Officer Reports A. President (Alex) B. Vice President of Membership (Emily Ramos) Nothing I. Women’s Leadership Committee Report (Sara) Nothing new. C. Secretary (Juan Quinones) Nothing to report …

Endorsements 2014

Governor Jerry Brown Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom Secretary of State Alex Padilla Controller Betty Yee Attorney General Kamala Harris Treasurer John Chiang Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson State Board of Equalization District 2 Fiona Ma 19th Congressional District Rep. Zoe Lofgren 18th Congressional District Rep. Anna Eshoo 17th Congressional …


Alex Wara called to order at 7:03 p.m. Motion to accept agenda by Emily Ramos Second by Alex Wara Agenda approved I. Welcome and Introductions II. Guest Speakers Professor III. Officer Reports A. President (Alex Wara) B. Vice President of Membership (Emily Ramos) Nothing quite new we sent out an email asking if you want …

Job Opportunity: Government Accounting Analyst

OpenGov is a fast-growing venture-backed software company building a web platform for government budget and management reporting. Our mission is to give executives, staff and citizens game-changing new access to important public budget and financial data. Our entrepreneurial team is driven by the belief that we are creating software that will transform the public decision-making …

October 2014 membership meeting – Agenda

I. Welcome and Introductions II. Candidate Introductions III. Guest Speaker: Terry Christensen IV. Officers Reports A. President (Alex Wara) B. Vice President of Membership (Emily Ramos) I. Women’s Leadership Committee Report C. Secretary (Juan M. Quinones) D. Treasurer (Joshua Barousse) E. Political Director (Jeff Cardenas) V. Old Business VI. New Business A. Bylaw change B. …


MINUTES – September GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING 7/21/2014 Alex Wara called to order at 7:20 p.m. Agenda approved Motion by Jeff Cardenas Joshua Barousse second it I Welcome and Introductions Candidates introduce themselves: Maya Esparza Candidate for San Jose City Council District 7 Frank Beau East San Jose School District Candidate Rudy Rodriguez Candidate for Franklin-McKinley …

September 2014 membership meeting – Agenda

I. Welcome and Introductions II. Candidate Introductions III. Guest Speaker on Parliamentary Procedure: Bill James IV. Officers Reports A. President (Alex Wara) B. Vice President of Membership (Emily Ramos) I. Women’s Leadership Committee Report C. Secretary (Juan M. Quinones) D. Treasurer (Joshua Barousse) E. Political Director (Jeff Cardenas) V. Old Business A. Voter Registration Update …