Agenda February 25, 2019

I. Call to Order by President Kathy Tran II. Welcomes and Introductions III. Guest Speaker: Census 2020 IV. Officer reports: President (Kathy Tran) Vacancies on Boards and Commissions Membership Director (Antonia Zavala) Excused Political Director (Angel Martinez) Treasurer (Jonathan Perez) Consent calendar: Reimbursement for Angel Venue/Food costs $400 IV. Old business: Convention V. New Business: …

Agenda January 21, 2019

I. Motion to start the meeting II. Welcomes and Introductions III. Guest Speaker: Josh and Ramona Barousse, San José Spotlight, the city’s first independent nonprofit news organization IV. Officer reports: President (Kathy Tran): We’re looking for a secretary on our eboard and taking nominations. Next month, we can motion to swear them in. Holiday Party …

Minutes 10.15.18

Commence 7:05 PM Introductions Turkey trot and Santa Run plug from Michael Lomio 7:15 PM Presentation for public banking 7:35 PM Presentation from Matthew Quevedo from SVLG: Yes on prop 1 No on prop 6 Measure V Measure T Kathy calling for approval of September minutes Approval of minutes Motion to approve the minutes Jonathan  Alex  Overview of …

Agenda 10-15-2018

SVYD Agenda Santa Clara County Democratic Party Headquarters October 15, 2018 Call to Order Welcome and Introductions Approval of Minutes Officer Reports President: Kathy Tran Golden Sneakers Challenge | Any Updates? Membership Director: Antonia Zavala Treasurer: Jonathan Perez Political Director: Angel Martinez Secretary: Cassie Mancini Old Business Review of New Members Mixer Endorsements of Propositions …

SVYD 2017 Advocacy Project

Hi young dems, We are conducting an online survey to figure out what our 2017 advocacy project should be. Thank you for the feedback! Create your own user feedback survey

ADEMs 2015

The Assembly District Delegates (ADDs) and Assembly District Executive Board representatives (“EBd Reps”) are elected at Assembly District Election Meetings (ADEMs) held in each of the 80 Assembly Districts. The California Democratic Party is convening ADEMs on January 10 and 11, 2014, where 14 people (7 men / 7 women) from each Assembly District will …


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