Minutes: 2020-05-18

Meeting Minutes 5/18/2020 Call to Order by Alexander at 7:04PM. Welcome and introductions Intro and ice breaker Approval of minutes Alexander motions to approve minutes from 5/18/2020. Christoff seconds. Unanimously approved Officer reports President: Angel Martinez Upcoming election is underway, SVYD will volunteer for Joe Biden Vice President: Alexander Gvatua Membership Director: Allie Hughes Phone …

Minutes: 2020-04-20

Meeting Minutes 4/20/2020 Call to Order by Alexander at 7:06PM.   Welcome and introductions Intro and ice breaker Approval of minutes Mustafa motions to approve minutes from 4/20/2020. Angel Martinez seconds. Unanimously approved Officer reports President: Angel Martinez SVYD remains active on social media during this pandemic. COVID-19 has revealed that we need electeds that …

Minutes: 2020-03-16

Meeting Minutes 3/16/2020 Call to Order by Alexander Gvatua at 7:10PM, seconded by Andrew Crockett, unanimously approved Welcome and introductions Allie to do intro and ice breaker Approval of Minutes Angel Martinez motions to approve minutes from 03/16/2020. Ryan seconds. Unanimously approved. Officer Reports President: Angel Martinez Election updates Matt Mahan won D10 primary Sylvia …

Minutes: 2020-02-17

Meeting Minutes 2/17/2020 Call to Order by Alexander Gvatua at 7:31PM, seconded by Angel Martinez, unanimously approved Welcome and introductions Intro and ice breaker Approval of minutes Christophe motions to approve minutes from 2/17/2020.  Kathy Tran seconds. Unanimously approved Officer reports President: Angel Martinez Make sure to inform and invite people to SVYD meetings Expand …

Minutes: 2020-01-27

Meeting Minutes 1/27/2020 Call to Order by at 7:20PM by Alexander Gvatua, seconded by Allie Hughes, unanimously approved. Approval of Minutes Alexander Gvatua motions to approve minutes from 01/27/2020. Mustafa seconds. Unanimously approved   Welcome and introductions Allie to do intro and ice breaker   Officer reports President: Angel Martinez SVYD endorsed candidates need to …

Minutes: 2019-11-18

Meeting Minutes 11/18/2019 Call to Order by Angel Martinez at 7:38, seconded by Alexander Gvatua, unanimously approved Approval of Minutes Alexander Gvatua motions to approve minutes from 10/22/2019. Alex Lee seconds. Unanimously approved. Officer Reports President Angel Martinez There will be a lot of walking for our endorsed candidates in months to come Look out …

Minutes: 10/22/2019

Meeting Minutes 10/22/2019   Call to Order by Ryan Globus at 7:36, seconded by Alexander, unanimously approved Approval of Minutes Ryan motions to approve minutes from 9/16/2019. Alexander seconds. Unanimously approved. Officer Reports Interim President Ryan Globus Junior States of America is hosting a convention in San Jose on November 16th Let us know if …

Minutes: 2019-09-16

Meeting Minutes 9/16/2019   Call to Order by Kathy Tran at 7:26. Approval of Minutes Alexander motions to approve minutes from 8/19/2019. Justin seconds. Unanimously approved. Officer Reports President Kathy Tran CYD is hosting its Tahoe retreat on the weekend of October 18 $50 to register early, but we can subsidize the cost if needed …

Minutes: 2019-07-15

Meeting Minutes 7/15/2019 Call to Order by Kathy Tran at 7:15 Approval of Minutes Kathy Tran motions to approve minutes from 6/17/2019. Jonathan Perez seconds. Unanimously approved. Officer Reports President Kathy Tran Be sure to pay your dues in order to vote! Membership Director Ryan Globus Golden Friend Award Whoever refers the most people to …

Minutes: 2019-06-17

Meeting Minutes 6/17/2019 Call to Order by Kathy Tran at 7:08, seconded by Angel Martinez, unanimously approved Approval of Minutes Kathy Tran motions to approve minutes from 5/20/2019. Jonathan Perez seconds. Unanimously approved. Guest Speaker Ben Spielberg, SJUSD employee housing initiative Officer Reports President Kathy Tran CDP/CYD convention in San Francisco last month! Two Silicon …