PART-TIME GRANT WRITER (Building Skills Partnership)

The Grant Writer will work with the Northern California Regional Coordinator and Development Manager to implement Building Skills Partnership’s (BSP) fundraising strategy statewide. BSP’s annual operating budget exceeds $1.7 million; approximately 30% of the budget is both restricted and unrestricted grants. The Grant Writer’s primary responsibility will be to assist in meeting fundraising goals (doubling …

Paid Canvasser Opportunity

Local campaign is seeking hourly paid canvassers to join the campaign for its fall canvass program. This is a great position for aspiring politicos to learn about Direct Voter Contact. Paid canvassers will work a minimum of 20 hours a week. Paid Canvassers play a critical role in ensuring we reach targeted voters in the …

Job Opportunity Looking for Organizers & Canvasser

Looking for Organizers & CanvassersPaid opportunities available RIGHT NOW for hire. The November election is less than 75 days away and we are looking for good and motivated local Bay Area residents to work on various ballot measures and campaigns in the area. For more information contact David at925-451-6655 or Eric at 415-419-7719We have a chance for progressive …


MINUTES – August GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING 8/18/2014 Alex called to order at 7:18 p.m. Agenda approved Welcome and Introductions II. Guest Speakers: III. Officer Reports A. President (Alex) League of conservation voters is hosting a a fundraiser  Alex would like to know if there is anyone who interested in attending the price is 25 dollars. …


I. Welcome and Introductions II. Root Beer Floats III. Officer Reports A. President (Alex Wara) B. Vice President of Membership (Emily Ramos) I. Women’s Leadership Committee Report C. Secretary (Juan M. Quinones) D. Treasurer (Joshua Barousse) E. Political Director (Jeff Cardenas) IV. Old Business A. Sunnyvale Recall V. New Business A. Endorsements B. Resolution from …


Alex Wara called to order at 7:18 p.m. Agenda approved Motion by Jeff Cardenas JuanQuinones  second it I. Welcome and Introductions – Lots of new people – Yay! II. Guest Speakers Denise Peralez,: recruiting volunteers for Raul Perlaez campaign for City Council ( City Council Candidate for Mountain View Pat Showalter would like to get …

SVYD July 21, 2014 Meeting Agenda

I. Welcome and Introductions II. Guest Speaker- Topic Resume Workshop III. Officer Reports A. President (Alex Wara) B. Vice President of Membership (Emily Ramos) I. Women’s Leadership Committee Report C. Secretary (Juan M. Quinones) D. Treasurer (Joshua Barousse) E. Political Director (Jeff Cardenas) IV. Old Business V. New Business A.  Endorsement- Recall Election in Sunnyvale …

Minutes – June General Membership Meeting 6/16/2014

Joshua called to order at 7:17 p.m. I. Welcome and Introductions – Lots of new people – Yay! II. Guest Speakers A. Commendations from Government offices congratulating the outgoing executive board for their work this past year. – City commendation, presented by Ash Kalra, signed by Ash Karla, Xavier Campos, Don Rocha, and Kansen Chu …

SVYD June Membership Meeting Agenda – Monday, June 16, 2014

I. Welcome and Introductions II. Guest Speakers A. Commendations from Government offices III. Officer Reports A. President (Joshua Barousse) B. Vice President of Membership (Brandon Li) I. Women’s Leadership Committee Report (Alex Wara) C. Secretary (Emily Ramos) D. Treasurer (Amanda Montez) E. Political Director (Eric Hernandez) IV. Old Business V. New Business A. Early Endorsements- …

Minutes – Women’s Leadership Committee 5/15/2014

1) Introductions 2) Where we left off A. Goals for WLC i. Gaining gender parity within SVYD. Discussed how we can recruit more women to join the club. ii. Helping plan social/service projects for the club. iii. Getting more women involved in the political process B. Expanding our contact list i. Want to add more …