Minutes – February 19, 2018

Minutes – 2/19/18 President Emily Ramos calls the meeting to order at 7:21 pm. Welcomes and Introductions Political Director Elections: Angel Martinez Antonia Zavala   Motion to elect Angel Martinez by Kathy Tran, seconded by Ryan Globus. Discussion Call to question: Andrae Wara-Macapinlac Motion passes with 11 votes   Congratulations to Angel Martinez! You are …

Minutes – January 29, 2018

Meeting called into order 7:33 pm. Our guest speaker for this month was  County Supevisor Joe Simitian who spoke to us about his insights and his experience traveling to 3 countries that historically turned out for Obama but voted for Trump in 2016. No old business New Business Convention Sign ups Announcements Alan Wong: Redwood …

Minutes – October 16, 2017

Meeting called into order by President Emily Ramos at 7:14 PM. Welcomes, introductions. Guest speaker: Supervisor Cindy Chavez. Special Presentation: Omar Torres. Officer Reports: President Emily Ramos CYD Tahoe Membership Director Jesus Salazar Treasurer Alex Petrosky Political Director Matt Savage Early endorsements Secretary Kathy Tran Old Business New Business Early endorsements up for consideration San …

Minutes – July 24, 2017

I. Meeting called into order by Treasurer Alex Petrosky, who filled in for President Emily Ramos, at 7:06 pm. II. Welcomes, introductions. III. Guest Speaker: Assemblymember Marc Berman. IV. Officer Reports: A. Treasurer: Alex Petrosky i.Finance committee. V. Old Business VII. New Business VIII. Announcements i. Job postings VIIII. Meeting adjourned at 8:02 PM.


I. Call to order to start meeting by President Emily Ramos at 7:11 pm. II. Welcomes and introductions III. Guest speaker: Erica of SIREN IV. Officer Reports President (Emily Ramos) Chartering Inter-club partnership the Democratic 21st Century Club. Political Director (Matt Savage) Vote on advocacy issue Motion to take a vote by Kieran K., seconded …

Minutes – Dec 19, 2016.

Call to order at 7:10 pm by President Emily Ramos. I. Welcomes, introductions II. Guest speakers: Rosemary Kamei and Jeff Cardenas III. Officer Reports President (Emily Ramos): CYD report: $40-50 early pass/gen session on the floor. We are in the black. They are hiring a new executive director for CYD and are suspending bylaws in …

Minutes – May 16, 2016

I. Welcomes , introduction  President Alex Wara introduced motion to amend to the agenda and approve the agenda at 7:15 pm. Seconded by Lucas Ramirez Motion to have the letter added to the agenda by Jeff C, seconded by Justin C. II. Guest Speaker Doron Aronson – current Cambrian School District board member announcing to …

Minutes – February 22, 2016

I. Call to motion President Alex Wara called for a motion at 7:58 PM for the meeting to start. Colleen motioned, Lucas seconded. II. Candidate Meet & Greet Candidates were allocated a total of 30 seconds to speak for the meet and greet event. Listed below is the order in which candidates went. Mike Honda …

Minutes – November 16, 2015

Meeting was called into order by President Alex Wara at 7:18 PM. Lucas Ramirez motioned to approve the agenda, Abby Longcor seconded. Abby L. motioned to approve the minutes from the last meeting, Matthew Dalton seconded. I) Welcomes, Introduction II) Guest speakers: SCCDP Women’s Gender Equity Committee Members Anna Ko and Darcie Green. III) Officer …

Minutes – October 19, 2015

Meeting called into order by President Alex Wara at 7:09 pm. Motion seconded by Amanda Montez. Welcomes, Introductions Speaker: State Senator Jim Beall Officer Reports: President (Alex Wara) – CYD sign ups Membership Director (Emily Ramos) Political Director (Justin Carvalho) – Early Endorsement: Josh B Treasurer (Charles Wilson) – Update: Still in the black Secretary …